December 1, 2021

Traits to Look for When Hiring an Attorney: Understanding and Compassion

Categories: About Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore, Uncategorized, Working with your attorney

Traits to Look for When Hiring an Attorney: Understanding and Compassion

When beginning your search for personal injury attorneys in Tampa, FL, there are few traits more important than understanding and compassion. Serving the Tampa, FL area for over 50 years, Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore understands the importance of connecting through compassion while serving personal injury clients.

Why Understanding and Compassion?

After the trauma of a personal injury, it is vital for your lawyer to have the ability to perceive your challenges, emotions, and needs. With understanding and compassion, the team at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore is known for connecting through compassion while speaking up for the injured and advocating for their best interests.

Former client J. shared her interaction with attorney Michael McLaughlin:

“He understood everything I laid out and expressed genuine compassion for my complex situation. He provided me with options that might help me and provided me with a much better understanding of the risks associated with each option. Mike probably doesn’t even realize how helpful he was and how valuable his consultation was to me. I highly recommend speaking to them if you feel you have a legal malpractice case.”

Another client, D., shared his thoughts about the level of understanding and compassion offered by the team at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore and expressed her appreciation for attorney Michael McLaughlin:

“Michael was very easy to talk with and did not use legal verbiage but explained it very clearly and supported his concerns with clear documentation for my review.”

In this sense, it’s important to find a compassionate lawyer who can focus on the “soft skills,” or the human side of your case, while balancing the “hard skills” found in the intricacies of practicing personal injury law. Many clients find their personal injury cases to be overflowing with emotions. Without compassion and understanding, lawyers may miss opportunities to serve clients well.

Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore Is Here for You

Whether you are making your first move in the search for personal injury attorneys in Tampa, FL, or you’ve had a traumatic experience with a previous attorney who failed to offer understanding and compassion, Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore is here for you. Speaking up for the injured is our specialty.

Call us today for a free consultation and let us lead with compassion and understanding as we fight for you.





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