October 26, 2018

Phone Addicted Pedestrians – Are they liable for car accident injuries?

Categories: Personal Injury, Uncategorized

In today’s technologically advanced world, we seem to be connected all the time. Some people want to stay connected on the go so much that they even conduct business and surfing on their cell phones while walking. However, as a pedestrian, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings. According to one statistic, more than 1,500 pedestrians nationwide are estimated to be treated in emergency rooms every year as a result of distraction due to walking while engaged in cell phone conversations — and these types of accidents are thought to be largely underreported.

It’s important for drivers and pedestrians to be on alert in order to prevent auto accidents from occurring. Pedestrians have a duty to conduct themselves reasonably under the circumstances, and if they cause harm to someone else — or bring it on themselves — because they were distracted due to cell-phone usage, they can and should be held responsible for the foreseeable consequences of their actions. It is important for parents of teens to remind their children to pay close attention to stop signs and streetlights while they are walking and talking, so as to protect themselves and others who might be harmed through any inattention or distraction.

If you do happen to be in an auto accident involving a pedestrian, the Tampa personal injury attorneys of Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore can help. Regardless of whether you’re the driver or the pedestrian, if you are injured in this type of accident, a personal injury lawyer Tampa FL can assist you. An experienced personal injury attorney, such as those at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore, can gather and study the evidence in your case to help determine just who is at fault for the accident. If both the driver and pedestrian are at fault, your attorney can discuss with you the evidence and law that assign percentages of fault to the driver and the pedestrian. Once your attorney has analyzed your case, he or she can help you determine the best course of action, including whether to push for an out-of-court settlement or to take your case all the way to a trial.

No matter what, the experienced lawyers at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore will fight aggressively for your rights to ensure that you receive the compensation and justice that you are due.


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